Regattatraining Alkmaarder Meer
H-Boat Trainingsweekend Alkmaar 2017
Date : 17&18 june
Time 10.00-16.00
Location : Alkmaardermeer, Akersloot NED
Entrance fee : euro 225,00 Per boat ( 3 persons )
Participants : 7 Dutch and 7 German H boats
Lets improve your performance as a team! Beat Lars in 2017 in Berlin. We have already 5 trainers including Lars Bahr the IDM meister 2014,2015 and 2016. A full weekend training in your H boat. We will divide the boats in a A and B group to keep the goal high. In the weekend we will train in small regatta’s and groups.
-Boat Handling
-Setting goals
We are in close contact with the So we have H boat specialists and Olympic trainers. 7 Dutch boats are selected. 7 German boats will be selected by the DHK. One golden rule! If you are selected to join this exclusive H boat training you must compeed the Holland Trophy at the same location one week later ( 24-25 june). You can leave your boat in our harbour or on your trailer in the harbour. The Holland Trophy has a separate entrance fee.